Electronic Literature


Welcome to the Electronic Literature Organization, the international organization dedicated to the investigation of literature produced for the digital medium.
Founded in Chicago, Illinois in 1999, the ELO now has a presence across North America and in South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa.  Our members hail from a wide array of disciplines and areas of study, including Art, Literature, Communication, Computer Science, Humanities, Digital Humanities, Media Studies, Women Studies, and Comparative Media.

Each year we host a conference and media art festival as  well as readings and performances of our work.  We partner with Bloomsbury Press on a book series, entitled Electronic Literature and publish open source anthologies of electronic literature called the Electronic Literature Collection, an open source knowledge base called the Electronic Literature Directory, and books and reports, including State of the Arts (2003), Acid-Free Bits (2004), Born-Again Bits (2005), Toward a Semantic Literary Web (2007), and “Electronic Literature: What Is It?” (2007).  We oversee digital archives of prominent digital communities, Turbulence.org (US) and the trAce Online Writing Centre (UK) through the ELO’s Electronic Literature Archives project.

While most of our funding is derived from memberships, support has also come from the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Additionally we have partnerships with Washington State University Vancouver, which serves as our host institution; Digital Humanities Summer Institute; the New Media Consortium; and Compute Canada.

Pubblicato da retroguardia

Docente e critico letterario. Dirige la rivista di critica letteraria "RETROGUARDIA". Si è occupato in particolare della narrativa di Guido Morselli e Gesualdo Bufalino. Altri interessi di ricerca riguardano anche la poesia contemporanea, la teoria della letteratura, il romanzo fantastico e comico, la metrica italiana. Suoi interventi critici sono apparsi in rete (Musicaos.it, Retroguardia, La poesia e lo spirito, ecc) e su alcune riviste di letteratura (Tabula rasa, Narrazioni, ecc). Socio fondatore dell’associazione culturale e membro del comitato di lettura di vibrisselibri, redattore de “La poesia e lo spirito” dal 2007.