Armaghedon (1984) by Maurizio Bianchi


“When I first came across the term Armaghedon in the early 1980s, my mind was haunted by the specter of an imminent apocalypse and so the idea of ​​naming my latest work on vinyl crossed my experimenting mind and penetrated the heart of the sound investigation. But when I later learned the real meaning of this term which derives from the ancient Hebrew “Har Maghedòn” (“Mount of Megiddo”) and above all its intrinsic modulatory meaning, I was happy to share this message of hope for the future, so that the word Armaghedon must never again be synonymous with decadent destruction but rather with the ascending restoration of a new world system governed by the Theocratic Kingdom, for the benefit of all followers who consider Armaghedon as the definitive neuronal liberation.”
M.B., October 2020

© 2021 Asoc Sistemes Verlag, under permission by MB
released March 8, 2021

soundtrack to the film with the same title

Produced and directed by Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Photographs/polaroids: Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Originally released as limited-edition-vinyl-LP (M.B. 843 – 1984 in Milano, Italy)
Audiofiles remastered by Pharmakustik at Pharmakustik-studio Germany in October 2020
Visuals rescanned and reconstructed by Pharmakustik
all rights reserved


Pubblicato da retroguardia

Docente e critico letterario. Dirige la rivista di critica letteraria "RETROGUARDIA". Si è occupato in particolare della narrativa di Guido Morselli e Gesualdo Bufalino. Altri interessi di ricerca riguardano anche la poesia contemporanea, la teoria della letteratura, il romanzo fantastico e comico, la metrica italiana. Suoi interventi critici sono apparsi in rete (, Retroguardia, La poesia e lo spirito, ecc) e su alcune riviste di letteratura (Tabula rasa, Narrazioni, ecc). Socio fondatore dell’associazione culturale e membro del comitato di lettura di vibrisselibri, redattore de “La poesia e lo spirito” dal 2007.