“Regards​/​Uk​ł​ony dla Bogus​ł​aw Schaeffer” by Matmos

Having assembled 99 collaborators for their previous album The Consuming Flame, on their new album Baltimore-based electronic duo Matmos focus upon just one person: Polish polymath Bogusław Schaeffer. Celebrated in his native land but not widely known beyond, Schaeffer innovated for decades across the boundaries of classical composition, electronic experimentation, and radical theater in playfully form-breaking ways. At the suggestion of Michal Mendyk of the Instytutu Adama Mickiewicza in Warsaw, Matmos were given access to the entire catalogue of Schaeffer’s recorded works to use as they saw fit. Neither performances nor remixes, the resulting encounters between past and present take tissue samples of DNA from past compositions and mutate them into entirely new organisms that throb with an alien vitality. What emerges across this suite of eight new songs is a composite portrait of the utopian 1960s Polish avant-garde and the contemporary dystopian cultural moment regarding each other across a distance.

Like the anagrams of the letters of Bogusław Schaeffer’s name that were re-assembled to create some of the song titles, the album itself is a musical re-assemblage of component parts into possible but unforeseen new shapes. Adding harp from Irish  more


released May 20, 2022

This album interpolates, edits and manipulates music originally made by Bogusɬaw Schaeffer. We are grateful to Michael Mendyk of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute in Warsaw for proposing that we work with Schaeffer’s music, and for securing the permission of the Schaeffer estate that allowed this project to crystallize. We have not played his music, but we have played with it and created new songs from fragments of many of his works, created originally at the Polish Radio Experimental Studio in the 1960s and 1970s. The sources are: Monodram, Heraklitiana, Theme: Electronic Music, Music for Tape, E.S. Jazz, Symphony: Electronic Music, Missa elettronica, Project, Antiphona, Assemblage I and Assemblage II.

Financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland as part of the multimedia annual programme Niepodlegla 2017-2022.

M.C. Schmidt: Electronics, Sampling, Processing, Editing, Synthesizer, Bass Guitar, Mix
Drew Daniel: Electronics, Sampling, Processing, Editing
Erhu and Viola on “Few, Far Chaos Bugles” by Ulas Kurugullu
Additional Electronics on “Flight to Sodom” by Will Schorre
Additional Electronics on “If All Things Were Turned to Smoke” and “Anti-Antiphon” by Max Eilbacher
Harp on “If All Things Were Turned to Smoke” by Úna Monaghan

Mastered by Rashad Becker
Artwork by Robert Beatty

Polish Translation by Monika Rokicka and Michal Mendyk

THANK YOU: First and foremost, thanks to Bogusɬaw Schaeffer for his music, to the musicians who played on this recording, to Michal Mendyk and all at the Adam Mickiewicz Institute for commissioning this work, to Bettina Richards and all at Thrill Jockey, Mat Schulz and Gosia Pɬysa and all at Unsound Festival, Andy Battaglia, Philip Sherburne, Nikita Lavrinenko, Mickey Darius, and all of our friends.

Fonte: https://matmos.bandcamp.com/album/regards-uk-ony-dla-bogus-aw-schaeffer

Pubblicato da retroguardia

Docente e critico letterario. Dirige la rivista di critica letteraria "RETROGUARDIA". Si è occupato in particolare della narrativa di Guido Morselli e Gesualdo Bufalino. Altri interessi di ricerca riguardano anche la poesia contemporanea, la teoria della letteratura, il romanzo fantastico e comico, la metrica italiana. Suoi interventi critici sono apparsi in rete (Musicaos.it, Retroguardia, La poesia e lo spirito, ecc) e su alcune riviste di letteratura (Tabula rasa, Narrazioni, ecc). Socio fondatore dell’associazione culturale e membro del comitato di lettura di vibrisselibri, redattore de “La poesia e lo spirito” dal 2007.