Vitor Joaquim – Nothingness

This album comes in the wake of a search started on my previous album, Impermanence, as well as my HAN project (with Emídio Buchinho) in which I dive into the issues of interiority and the transformation and renewal of the world around us. Since nothing seems to resist the passage of time and yet everything seems to last as if time has not passed, this album is like a boat stranded in time, docked at a quay of forgotten places, where from time to time music is heard from past but soon fade like a mist carried by the sea breeze.
Everything is impermanent and can only be so. As if it were away, not here or there, lost everywhere, not expecting to know where it might be but be elsewhere and nowhere at the same time.
Always knowing that here and now is the only moment in which we can truly live happiness.
released December 27, 2019


Pubblicato da retroguardia

Docente e critico letterario. Dirige la rivista di critica letteraria "RETROGUARDIA". Si è occupato in particolare della narrativa di Guido Morselli e Gesualdo Bufalino. Altri interessi di ricerca riguardano anche la poesia contemporanea, la teoria della letteratura, il romanzo fantastico e comico, la metrica italiana. Suoi interventi critici sono apparsi in rete (, Retroguardia, La poesia e lo spirito, ecc) e su alcune riviste di letteratura (Tabula rasa, Narrazioni, ecc). Socio fondatore dell’associazione culturale e membro del comitato di lettura di vibrisselibri, redattore de “La poesia e lo spirito” dal 2007.